1. The Intelligent Blood Collecting Apparatus Based on Internetworking
The paper chiefly introduces the apparatus of intelligent blood-collect based on internetworking. The apparatus uses fingerprint identifying technology to distinguish the identity of the operator and barcode technology to input the information of the donator. The apparatus can measure the volume of collected blood, the flow rate of blood, the time of blood collecting and show all procedure of collecting blood. When the collection is over, it can stop collecting and the blood bag can be sealed automatically. So it accomplishes automation of collecting blood and increases reliability of collecting blood. The interface of internetworking is embedded in the intelligent blood collecting apparatus. So it can be used to construct a blood-collecting network through the internetworking. And the intelligent management of blood collecting comes true.
2)Design and Implementation of a Novel Approach to Implement Telemedicine in Rural India
In India as per the survey conducted by Indian Medical Society (IMS) in the year 2009, it has been revealed that 75% of qualified consulting doctors practice in urban centers and 23% in semi urban areas and only 2% at rural areas whereas majority of the patients come from rural areas. The non availability of proper medical facilities at right time is a huge problem for people at rural places. The method that can be applied successfully to overcome all these challenges is Telemedicine. This paper introduces the innovative concept of developing an efficient Electronic Health Record (EHR) used to implement Telemedicine by utilizing the advances made in both Information technology and Communication systems. This application acts as a bridge between skilled doctors and the rural people.
3 .Online Voting System Powered by Biometric Security Using Steganography
Using Cryptography and Steganography at the same time, we try to provide Biometric as well as Password security to voter accounts. The scheme uses images as cover objects for Steganography and as keys for Cryptography.The key image is a Biometric measure, such as a fingerprint image. Proper use of Cryptography greatly reduces the risks in these systems as the hackers have to find both secret key and the template. The basic idea is to merge the secret key with the cover image on the basis of key image.The result of this process produces a stego image which looks quite similar to the cover image but not detectable by human eye. The system targets the authentication requirement of a voting system.
4 A New Framework for Credit Card Transactions Involving Mutual Authentication
Electronic Commerce (e-Commerce) and ease in the onsite transactions have led to the exponential growth in the acceptance of credit cards among consumers of all the sections. But despite their remarkable advantages, consumers are still reluctant in their use, especially for online transactions and reason being the increasing credit card fraud rate. A number of security models have been proposed and deployed for secure online transactions but the sharing of sensitive credit card data over the Internet has made online transactions vulnerable to threats. In this paper, we discuss and analyze the current developments in online authentication procedures including biometrics, one-time-password systems and use of mobile device and Public Switched Telephone Network for cardholder authentication. Then we propose a complete new framework for both onsite and online (Internet shopping) credit card transactions. This framework is more secure, robust, enhances user privacy and does not involve the deployment of special hardware systems at the customer's site
5.Feasibility study of a wearable carbon monoxide warning system for construction workers
This paper presents a feasibility study of a computing wearablesystem to protect construction workers from carbon monoxide poisoning. A pulse oximetry sensor has been integrated into a typical construction helmet to allow continuous and non-invasive monitoring of workers' blood saturation levels. To show the feasibility of monitoring forcarbon monoxide poisoning without subjecting users to dangerous conditions, a prototype for monitoring blood O2 was constructed and tested during a user study involving typical construction tasks to determine its reliability while undergoing motion. Because monitoring for blood O2 and CO involve the same principles and technologies, if monitoring O2 is feasible, then monitoring for CO will be feasible as well. The results this initial ofstudy show that integrating an oximeter into aconstruction helmet will warn the user of impeding carbonmonoxide poisoning with a probability greater than 99%.
6.v-Glove: A 3D Virtual Touch Interface
Traditional interaction devices such as mouse and keyboard do not adapt very well to immersive environments, since they were not ergonomically designed for it. The user may be standing or in movement and these devices were projected to work on desks. Moreover, in the current interaction model for immersive environments, which is based on wands and 3D mice, a change of context is necessary every time to execute a non-immersive task. These constant context changes from immersive to 2D desktops introduce a rupture in the user interaction with the application. The objective of this work is to develop a device that maps a touch interface in a virtual reality immersive environment. In order to interact in 3D virtual reality immersive environments a wireless glove (v-Glove) was created, which has two main functionalities: tracking the position of the user's index finger and vibrate the fingertip when it reaches an area mapped in the interaction space to simulate a touch feeling.
7.An Assistive Body Sensor Network Glove for Speech- and Hearing-Impaired Disabilities
This paper presents a hand-gesture based interface for facilitating communication among speech- and hearing-impaired disabilities. In the system, a wireless sensor glove equipped with five flex sensors and a 3D accelerometer is used as the input device. By integrating the speech synthesizer onto an automatic gesture recognition system, user's hand gestures can be translated into sounds. In this study, we proposed a hierarchical gesture recognition framework based on the combined use of multivariate Gaussian distribution, bigram and a set of rules for model and feature set selection, deriving from a detailed analysis of misclassified gestures in the confusion matrix.
8.Using Fingerprint Authentication to Reduce System Security
Choosing the security architecture and policies for a system is a demanding task that must be informed by an understanding of user behavior. We investigate the hypothesis that adding visible security features to a system increases user confidence in the security of a system and thereby causes users to reduce how much effort they spend in other security areas. When using the fingerprint reader, users created passwords that would take one three-thousandth as long to break, thereby potentially negating the advantage two-factor authentication could have offered.
9.Design of the Node System of Wireless Sensor Network and Its Application in Digital Agriculture
Wireless sensor network can push the agriculture developing to the intelligent and automatic stage. In this paper, the structure and its key technology of one kind of node system of wireless sensor network are introduced, including the communication protocol between the nodes in wireless sensor network and the method of application for sensor network in digital agriculture. A new method of information acquisition, information processing and information utilization is proposed, it has the features of independence and real time, adapts to the production management of agriculture
10.Monitoring and Alarming System Based on Zigbee Technology
Design of a wireless sensor network based on Zigbee/IEEE802.15.4 is issued. The network is used to monitor the safe state of intelligent community and give alarm. Each sensor node in the system is composed of sensors and an integrated chip CC2430.
The GPRS technology is used to complete data exchanging between remote monitoring center and wireless sensor subnets. This system is an application in intelligent community field.
11.Advanced Network Based Wireless, Single PMS for Multiple-Patient Monitoring
Real-time monitoring of the physical condition of the patients is one of the major challenges faced by hospital authorities nowadays. All the hospitals today have one Patient Monitoring System (PMS) per patient. Also human intervention is needed frequently for critical patients. In this paper we propose a network based Wireless Single PMS (NWSPMS), which can monitor multiple patients to measure various physical parameters. This must be precise, fast and effective for transmission of information about their health condition to the concerned. Also there lies a need to transmit more parameters and more data for the convenience and fast response by the staffs in the hospital. Since we need an immediate response, we make use of the voice-call facility apart from the SMS mechanism via an GSM modem. The system proposed here monitors blood pressure, heart beat rate, body temperature and ECG of the elderly patient thus giving an overall condition of the patient.
12.Smart Medication Dispenser: Design, Architecture and Implementation
This paper presents the architecture and implementation of an automatic medication dispenser for users who take medications without close professional supervision. By relieving the user from the error-prone tasks of interpreting medication directions and administrating medications accordingly, the device can improve the rigor in compliance and prevent serious medication errors. By taking advantage of scheduling flexibility provided by medication directions, the device makes the user's medication schedule easy to adhere and tolerant to tardiness whenever possible. The medication scheduler and dispenser controller do this work collaboratively in an action-oriented manner. An advantage of this design is that new functions can be added and existing ones removed or revised with little or no need to modify the dispenser control structure.
13.SMS Text Messaging: A Ubiquitous Tool for Cheaper Medicine
Access to essential drugs is a key element for sustaining good health but medicines have become inaccessible to many because of very high prices. Consumers have no access to information regarding cheaper drugs that are alternatives to more expensive proprietary drugs. This study aimed to promote access to such information through the use of Short Message Service (SMS) and improve price transparency by creating a small database containing keywords that will easily provide consumers with detailed information about cheaper and branded drugs. The methodology being used consists of three parts. The first part includes interviewing key informants to obtain the necessary information from technical people with backgrounds and opinions relevant to the study. The collected data was then consolidated to make the system realistic through correlation with both internet and library research. The second step is by using an integrated software and modem so that consumers can get access to the database, allowing consumers to know the relative drug prices of different versions of the same drug simply by sending the name of the medicine anytime, anywhere.
14.A Generic Framework for Three-Factor Authentication: Preserving Security and Privacy
Remote authentication is the most commonly used method to determine the identity of a remote client. This paper investigates a systematic approach for authenticating clients by three factors, namely password, smart card, and biometrics. A generic and secure framework is proposed to upgrade two-factor authentication to three-factor authentication. The conversion not only significantly improves the information assurance at low cost but also protects client privacy in distributed systems.
15.Bidirectional medication support system for medical staff and home care patients
We have developed a system using a combination of a multi-hop sensor network and 3G networks to support patients daily medication in home care. Each medication of a patient is represented by a sequence of close-open-close events of an off-the-shelf pill box, which are detected by a small Hall sensor. The system enables home visiting nurses to remotely monitor their patients' medication and to give feedback on the medication status to patients. This bidirectional communication between medical staff and patients is essential to motivate patients' medication and to make their experience of being taken care for at homes more comfortable. A semi-automatic message generation system helps medical staff to send feedback without spending excessive time and effort. We have been examining this system for more than three months with three subjects and found that a simple open/close sensing of an off-the-shelf pill box can provide a valuable medication history. It has also shown that the feedback system improves the rate of failure medication from 5.3% to 0.0% in the best
16.Monitoring Patients’ Signs Wirelessly
Recent developments in off-the-shelf wireless embedded computing boards and the increasing need for efficient health monitoring systems, fueled by the increasing number of patients, has prompted R&D professionals to explore better health monitoring systems that are both mobile and cheap. This work investigates the feasibility of using the ZigBee embedded technology in health-related monitoring applications. Selected vital signs of patients are acquired using sensor nodes and readings are transmitted wirelessly using devices that utilize the ZigBee communications protocols. A prototype system has been developed and tested with encouraging results.
17.Design of a Wireless Medical Monitoring System
This paper provides the design of a Medical Monitoring Terminal use C8051F021 MCU and CC2420 RF chip based on Zigbee technology.
The Monitoring Terminal can detect the patient’s real-time body temperature, heart rate and other physiological informations, and transmit them to the control center.
18.The design and implementation of ID Authentication System Based on Fingerprint Identification
Automatic identification technology becomes a urgent need of production and life, authentication technology gained worldwide attention because of its high reliability, fingerprint identification technology which applied to social security system can accurately determine protects a person's identity and prevent the phenomenon of the pension of falsely claim that solves this one long-term puzzling problem.
Based on the preeminent fingerprint identification algorithm is improved, and combining with actual demand the improved algorithm, Using the fingerprint identification and IC card combination way realization of distributed fingerprint authentication system collection. Through the practical efficiency test analysis proves the whole system is feasible, and the running effect is good by practical application.
19.Accurate Temperature Measurements for Medical Research Using Body Sensor Networks
Medical measurements and clinical trials are often carried out in controlled lab settings - severely limiting the realism and duration of such studies. Our goal is henceforth to design a body sensor network for unobtrusive and highly accurate profiling of body parameters over weeks in realistic environments. One example application is monitoring the impact of sleep deprivation on periodic processes in the human body known as circadian rhythms, which requires highly accurate profiling of skin temperature across the human body over weeks with real-time feedback to a remote medic. We analyze the requirements on a body sensor network for such applications and highlight the need for self-organizing behavior such as adaptive sampling to ensure energy efficiency and thus longevity, adaptive communication strategies, self-testing, automatic compensation for environmental conditions, or automatic recording of a diary of activities. As a first step towards this goal, we design and build a prototype of such a non-invasive wearable wireless monitoring system for accurate body temperature measurements and real-time feedback to the medic.
20.Wireless Fetal Heartbeat Monitoring System Using ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 Standard
Fetal mortality rate is considered a good measure of the quality of health care in a country or a medical facility. If we look at the current scenario, we find that we have focused more on child mortality rate than on fetus mortality. Even it is a same situation in developed country. Our aim is to provide technological solutions to help decrease the fetal mortality rate. Also if we consider pregnant women, they have to come to hospital 2-3 times a week for their regular checkups. It becomes a problem for working women and women having diabetes or other disease. For these reasons it would be very helpful if they can do this by themselves at home. This will reduce the frequency of their visit to the hospital at same time cause no compromise in the well being of both the mother and the child.
21.Low Power Asynchronous Data Acquisition Front End for Wireless Body Sensor Area Network
Wireless body sensor area networks (WBAN) is one of the key technologies to solve the rising healthcare costs through early detection, and point-of-care diagnosis and health management. However there is a stringent power requirement on individual sensor nodes in such networks. Consequently traditional signal chain of amplify-digitize-transmit generates large amounts of data that cannot be sustained due to limited energy and bandwidth. In this paper we propose an asynchronous data acquisition platform that provides inherent digitization and compression at the source. The proposed implementation consists of low noise front-end amplifier (AFE) with tunable bandwidth and an asynchronous clockless analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
22.Development of Gas Leak Detection Monitoring and Data Management Mechanism for Hydrogen Safety
This paper describes a real-time monitoring system for hydrogen safety. Hydrogen energy is a clean and unlimited resource that replaces fossil fuels. However, hydrogen can explode in the density range of 4% to 75% by an ignition source. Therefore, safety devices or safety systems are necessary in the use of hydrogen energy. We aimed to develop a real-time detection module and a real-time monitoring and automation system to prevent gas leak accidents so that hydrogen hydrogen energy can be used safely We have developed a three-part module: Gas Leak Detection, Real-time Monitoring, and Automation Module. The development system consists of a high-performance sensor that is based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes, a sensor controller with a wireless.
23.Wireless Sensor Network for Precise Agriculture Monitoring
Precision Agriculture Monitor System (PAMS) is an intelligent system which can monitor the agricultural environments of crops and provides service to farmers. PAMS based on the wireless sensor network (WSN) technique attracts increasing attention in recent years. The purpose of such systems is to improve the outputs of crops by means of managing and monitoring the growth period. This paper presents the design of a WSN for PAMS, shares our real-world experience, and discusses the research and engineering challenges in implementation and deployments.
24.HCPP: Cryptography Based Secure EHR System for Patient Privacy and Emergency Healthcare
Privacy concern is arguably the major barrier that hinders the deployment of electronic health record (EHR) systems which are considered more efficient, less error-prone, and of higher availability compared to traditional paper record systems. Patients are unwilling to accept the EHR system unless their protected health information (PHI) containing highly confidential data is guaranteed proper use and disclosure, which cannot be easily achieved without patients' control over their own PHI. However, cautions must be taken to handle emergencies in which the patient may be physically incompetent to retrieve the controlled PHI for emergency treatment. In this paper, we propose a secure EHR system, HCPP (Healthcaresystem for Patient Privacy), based on cryptographic constructions and existing wireless network infrastructures, to provide privacy protection to patients under any circumstances while enabling timelyPHI retrieval for life-saving treatment in emergency situations.
25.Development on Gas Leak Detection and Location System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
Develops a gas leak detection and location system for the production safety in Petrochemical Industry. The system is based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), it can collect the data of monitoring sites wirelessly and sent to the computer to update values in the location software. Consequently, it can give a real-time detective of the potential risk area, collect the data of a leak accident and locate the leakage point. However the former systems can not react in time, even can not obtain data from an accident and locate accurately. The paper has three parts, first, gives the overall system design, and then provides the approaches on both hardware and software to achieve it.
26.SID: Ship Intrusion Detection with Wireless Sensor Networks
Surveillance is a vital problem for harbor protection, border control or the security of other commercial facilities. It is particularly challenging to protect the vast near-coast sea surface and busy harbor areas from intrusions of unauthorized marine vessels, such as trespassing boats and ships. In this paper, we present an innovative solution for ship intrusion detection. Equipped with three-axis accelerometer sensors, we deploy an experimental wireless sensor network on the sea surface to detect ships. Using signal processing techniques and cooperative signal processing, we can detect the passing ships by distinguishing the ship-generated waves and the ocean waves. We design an intrusion detection system in which we propose to exploit spatial and temporal correlations of the intrusion to increase detection reliability. We conduct evaluations with real data collected by our initial experiments, and provide quantitative analysis on the detection system, such as the successful detection ratio and the estimation of the intruding ship velocity.
27.Proposal of the Disaster-Relief Training System Using the Electronic Triage Tag
When there are a lot of injured people at a large scale disaster site, medical staff first do triage. Triage is to decide the priority for treatment depending on the degree of severity or urgency of injured people. Paper triage tags are used now to show their condition and to record information on injuries. We do research that collect information of injured people by using electronic triage tags which replace the current paper tags. To do prompt and accurate emergency medical services with electronic tags at a disaster site, it is important for medical staff to engage in a disaster-relief training using them on a daily basis. So we propose the disaster-relief training system using the electronic triage tag. This system supports to develop the scenarios of injured people information and transport information. We let the electronic triage tag generate vital signs of injured people constantly. By collecting and monitoring those data at regular intervals, we aim to conduct a more practical disaster-relief training considering the change in symptoms of injured people.
28.A New Intelligent Control Terminal of Solar Street Light
The new intelligent control terminal of solar street light was carried out in this paper. It combines of current general street light charge and discharge management controller and wireless communication technology. It employs fuzzy control theory to control the uncertain system to achieve reasonable battery charge or discharge. The terminal has the feature of running on the network and off the network independently, so it ensures the stability of the system.
29.Design of Wind Velocity Measurement System in Traffic Meteorological Station Based on Wireless
A wind velocity measurement principle using pressure sensor as the detection devices is introduced, A design scheme of wireless network wind velocity measurement system based on CC2420 is presented. Hardware circuit and software program of the system are shown in details.
The system takes high performance processor Atmega128 and wireless sensor module CC2420 as the core, realizing the intelligent measurement of wind velocity by collecting, processing the relevant meteorological parameters and communicating with other network nodes. The system possesses characteristics of high precision, low power consumption and high stability.
30.Smart Blood Query: A Novel Mobile Phone Based Privacy-Aware Blood Donor Recruitment and
The growth in numbers and capacity of mobile devices such as mobile phones coupled with widespread availability of inexpensive range of services presents an unprecedented opportunity for mobile health care applications. Blood donation and transfusion service is one of the most complex management systems in health sector. Quality management of a Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) starts with safe blood donor recruitment (BDR) and donor care. In the South-East Asia Region (SEAR) almost all countries except Thailand depend heavily on replacement of blood from relatives and friends.
In this paper, we present location-aware mobile phone based blood donor recruitment, information retrieval and management system that aims at ensuring the quality of the blood and increasing the efficiency of operation management. Here an attempt has been made to leverage the ubiquity and power of the standard mobile phone as a lifesaving mobile health care application, delivering more user convenience.
31.The Application of Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things in Agriculture and Forestry
Cloud Computing and The Internet of Things are the two hot points in the Internet field. The application of the two new technologies is in hot discussion and research, but quite less on the field of agriculture and forestry.
Thus, in this paper, we analyze the study and application of Cloud Computing and The Internet of Things on agriculture and forestry. Then we put forward an idea that making a combination of the two techniques and analyze the feasibility, applications and future prospect of the combination.
32.Breath: An Adaptive Protocol for Industrial Control Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks
An energy-efficient, reliable and timely data transmission is essential for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) employed in scenarios where plant information must be available for control applications. In this paper, the novel protocol Breath is proposed for control applications. Breath is designed for WSNs where nodes attached to plants must transmit information via multihop routing to a sink. Breath ensures a desired packet delivery and delay probabilities while minimizing the energy consumption of the network. The protocol is based on randomized routing, medium access control, and duty-cycling jointly optimized for energy efficiency. The design approach relies on a constrained optimization problem, whereby the objective function is the energy consumption and the constraints are the packet reliability and delay. The challenging part is the modeling of the interactions among the layers by simple expressions of adequate accuracy, which are then used for the optimization by in-network processing.
33.An Embedded Laboratory Security Monitoring System
This paper presents the design and implementation of an Embedded Laboratory Security Monitoring System (ELSMS). The system includes a web server which acquires video information through camera, and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which gets environmental parameters through sensors and sends them to the web server. Users can access the Monitoring Server (MS) through PCs or Wireless Mobile Terminals(WMT) which are developed using Qt, to watch video and check environmental parameters in real-time. When an exception occurs, the MS sends Short Message Service (SMS) through GSM Modem, displays alarm information on web and gives sound and light alarm, etc. SQLite database stores historical information related to environmental parameters for users' query. The system proposed in this paper is a kind of new monitoring system that is applicable to the lab and other fields that store valuables.
34.Innovative Cost Effective Approach for Cell Phone Based Remote Controlled Embedded System
This work describes the development of innovative low cost cell phone based remote control application for induction motor-pump based irrigation in agriculture. Rural areas in many states of India are plagued by frequent power cuts and abnormal voltage conditions. The developed system ensures that water is distributed to field whenever normal conditions exist based on task specified. A novel concept of miscall for specified duration has been used to reduce the operational cost of the system and for the convenience of farmers facing difficulty in typing messages. Information is exchanged in form of miscalls / message between the system and the user cell phones. The system includes protection against single phasing, over-current, dry running and other desirable features. DS1307 and DS18S20 are used for time and temperature measurement respectively.
35.Hybrid Wireless Communication System Using ZigBee and WiFi Technology in the Coalmine Tunnels
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) used under the coalmine tunnel is an emerging area of research that promises to provide reliable and flexible communication. This paper first discussed the best working frequency about the WSN in coalmine. Then, according to the actual circumstances of coal mine, the network structure should adopt cluster-tree topology. We also develop a multifunction communication wireless system using ZigBee and WiFi technology, which can achieve the functions of gas monitoring, wireless communication, personnel management and video surveillance, etc. Practical applications showed that the multifunction communication system can satisfy the need of dispatch communication and safety monitor in the coal mine tunnel.
36.An Emergency Medical Care Network System for Fetal ECG Monitoring
Developing and less developing countries (LDCs) are identified in risk of stillbirth due to insufficient emergency medical take-care supports. The regular check-up of the fetal electrocardiography (FECG) could be an earliest prevention of this occurrence. This paper presents a research work aim to implement a simple, customize and portable emergency medical care for the FECG monitoring system from remote location. After acquisitions of the abdominal wall fetal electrocardiography (AFECG) signal from the pregnant mother (patient), the local terminal then transfers this AFECG signal as data to the remote terminal at the expert physician for diagnosis purpose. At the remote terminal, the FECG signals are then extracted from the AFECG signals by our developed software. In this case, computer network establishes a bridge between the patient and a distant expert physician. The developed network program is capable to support both the AFECG data transfer and online chat session simultaneously. A specialist physician at the remote terminal can diagnose the FECG signal and provides instruction to the local terminal in case of emergency.
37.Towards a Rapid-Alert System for Security Incidents
Predicting security incidents and forecasting risk are two essential duties when designing an enterprise security system. Based on a quantitative risk assessment technique arising from an an attacker-defender model, we propose a Bayesian learning strategy to continuously update the quality of protection and forecast the decision-theoretic risk. Evidence for or against the security of particular system components can be obtained from various sources, including security patches, software updates, scientific or industrial research result notifications retrieved through RSS feeds.
38.A Real-Time Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification System with Wearable Electrocardiogram
Long term continuous monitoring of electrocardiogram (ECG) in a free living environment provides valuable information for prevention on the heart attack and other high risk diseases. A design of a real-time wearable ECG monitoring system with cardiac arrhythmia classification is proposed in this paper. One of the striking advantages is that ECG analog front-end and on-node digital processing are designed to remove most of the noise and bias. In addition, a novel layered hidden Markov model is seamlessly integrated to classify multiple cardiac arrhythmias in real time. Last, human activities by an accelerometer can be identified to reduce the chance of false alarm in classification due to the motion artifacts.
39.A Non-invasive Wearable Neck-Cuff System for Real-Time Sleep Monitoring
Sleep is an important part of our lives which affects many life factors such as memory, learning, metabolism and the immune system. Researchers have found correlations between sleep and several diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, Chronic Heart Failure, Alzheimer's disease, etc. However, sleep data is mainly recorded and diagnosed in sleep labs or in hospitals for some critical cases with high costs. In this work we develop a non-invasive, wearable neck-cuff system capable of real-time monitoring and visualization of physiological signals. These signals are generated from various sensors housed in a soft neck-worn collar and sent via Bluetooth to a cell phone which stores the data. This data is processed and reported to the user or uploaded to the cloud and/or to a local PC. With this system we are able to monitor people's sleep continuously in a non-invasive and low cost method while at the same time collect a large database for sleep data which may benefit future advances in new findings and possibly enable a diagnosis of other diseases. We show as one of the applications of our system the possible detection of obstructive sleep apnea which is a common sleep disorder.
40.Wireless Hand Gesture Capture through Wearable Passive Tag Sensing
For wearable computing to become more widely accepted, the associated Human-Computer Interface must move past today's keyboard, keypad, touch screen, or other bulky hand-held interfaces to allow a user to specify input through their fingers without taking their eyes and attention off their immediate focus. Accordingly, we have developed a wearable system to track hand gestures with passive RFID sensor tags. This system is composed of an ultra-high frequency (UHF) reader and small, passive, finger-worn tags powered by transmit RF energy, each equipped with a variety of sensors that could be used to detect gestures. The primary physical goals of the system were to be comfortable and wearable without interfering with other everyday activities while tracking particular hand movements that could be used to control a wearable computer or aid in interaction with ubiquitous or other wearable devices. This paper first introduces our hardware, then gives some example user interface implementations, such as a mouse scrolled by hand position and a click specified by finger proximity, entering input by touching fingers, setting options when moving the hand to a particular spot of the user's apparel labeled with a passive RFID tag, and otherwise mapping control onto motion of the hand, arm, and fingers.
41.Glove-Based Sensor Support for Dynamic Tangible Buttons in Spatial Augmented Reality Design
Spatial Augmented Reality has shown promising results to support the industrial design process, this paper explores improvements by incorporating tangible buttons to allow dynamically positioned controls with a wearable glove sensor system for simulating prototype design functionality. We present a system to support the low cost development of an active user interface that is not restricted to the two-dimensional surface of a traditional computer display.
42.Real-Time Monitoring and Detection of ‘‘Heart Attack’’ Using Wireless Sensor Networks
The main purpose of this research work is to develop a wireless sensor network system that can continuously monitor and detect cardiovascular disease experienced in patients at remote areas. A wearable wireless sensor system (WWSS) is designed to continuously capture and transmit the ECG signals to the patient's mobile phone. The fastest alert will be issued to doctors, relatives, and hospitals, using the proposed data processing algorithm implemented in the patients mobile phone. The complete data from WWSS will also be transmitted to a central station, which provides a service to the doctor to view his patient's record and provide his prescription remotely, on his request. The proposed system is integrated with a dynamic data collection algorithm that collects the ECG signals at regular intervals, according to the health risk perceived in each patient. Employment of this system will contribute in reducing heart diseases, leading to death of a patient, and also act as an effective health care service to patients in rural area. This continuous monitoring system will provide effective, efficient, and fast health care service to patients at risk, even if the doctor, relatives are not near the patient and also during the non availability of the cellular network.
43.A Cloud Computing Solution for Patient’s Data Collection in Health Care Institutions
Existing processes for patients' vital data collection require a great deal of labor work to collect, input and analyze the information. These processes are usually slow and error-prone, introducing a latency that prevents real-time data accessibility. This scenario restrains the clinical diagnostics and monitoring capabilities. We propose a solution to automate this process by using ¿sensors¿ attached to existing medical equipments that are inter-connected to exchange service. The proposal is based on the concepts of utility computing and wireless sensor networks. The information becomes available in the ¿cloud¿ from where it can be processed by expert systems and/or distributed to medical staff. The proof-of-concept design applies commodity computing integrated to legacy medical devices, ensuring cost-effectiveness and simple integration.
44.ATM terminal design is based on fingerprint recognition
For the traditional ATM terminal customer recognition systems only rely on bank cards, passwords, and such identity verification methods which measures are not perfect and functions are too single. For solving the bugs of traditional ones, the author designs a new ATM terminal customer recognition systems.
The chip of S3C2440 is used for the core of microprocessor in ARM9, furthermore, an improved enhancement algorithm of fingerprint image increase the security that customer use the ATM machine.
45.Wireless Transfusion Supervision & Analysis Using Embedded
In ICU, infusion pump is often required where drug dosage, concentration and fluid volume need separate infusion rates for number of patients. Manual handling of several settings can be very time-consuming for the hospital staff and more importantly highly risky for the patients. This project automates the above said concepts
46.Wireless Fingerprint Attendance System Based on ZigBee Technology (Z)
Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional wire attendance system, a design method of wireless fingerprint attendance system based on ZigBee technology is proposed. The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance management module in computer. It can realize automatically such functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching, and attendance management. Considering the fact and topology of ZigBee network, the system designs wireless local area network which is cluster tree network. To resolve the problem of time delay when the image is transmitted by ZigBee technology, the traditional transmission mode is improved. The experiment results show the transmission time is saved over one third and transmission efficiency is improved greatly. It realized low-cost and high-performance wireless fingerprint attendance function, which provided a new wireless fingerprint attendance system for enterprises and institutions.
47.GSM Based ECG Tele-Alert System
This paper proposes the development of a module that provides mobility to the doctor and the patient, by adopting a simple and popular technique, detecting the abnormalities in the bio signal of the patient in advance and sending an alert sms to the doctor through Global system for Mobile(GSM) thereby reducing the critical level of the patient
48.Automated Voice based Home Navigation System for the Elderly and the Physically Challenged
In this paper, we propose an Intelligent Home Navigation System (IHNS) which comprises of a wheelchair, voice module and navigation module. It can be used by an elderly or physically challenged person to move inside the home without any difficulty. It's common that the elders forget the way to the different rooms in house and the physically challenged people find it hard to move the wheel chair without external aid. By making use of IHNS, elderly and the physically challenged can go to different rooms in the house like kitchen, living room, dining room etc by just speaking a word which is predefined to that particular room. The voice of the person is detected by voice capture module which will be compared by voice recognition module with predefined voices loaded in to the system. According to the received voice, the destination is automatically understood and the wheelchair moves according to the route which is predefined. It is also equipped with obstacle avoidance technique, where the person may not be able to provide proper voices at the right time. The wheel chair can automatically navigate from one point to the other in the home as per predefined route based on the voice received.
49.Line Following Robot for Library Inventory Management System
This paper demonstrates the application of Line Following Robot (LFR) for library inventory management system (LIMS). A line following robot is designed using sensor operated motors to keep track the line path predetermined for library book shelf arrangements. The robot carries a barcode reader which collects the barcode data from the books arranged in a vertical manner and compares the decoded barcode data with the search input. If the robot reaches the book which is to be found out, then the robot gives location of the book to the librarian or the person visiting the library, in which the robot is used for searching purpose. In case of any hindrance faced by the robot when it does the searching process, the robot halts and sends an alarm. Misplaced books can be rearranged using the pre-programmed data in the robot which helps to maintain the books in an order. This helps and simplifies the job of arranging the books and also reduces the manual routine work done by the library
50.An Automated System to Diagnose the Severity of Adult Depression
Depression is a common but ominous psychological disorder that threatens one's quality of life. The screening and grading of depression is still a manual process and grades are often determined in ranges, e.g., "mild to moderate' and "moderate to severe' instead of making them more specific as "mild', "moderate', and "severe'. Such grading is confusing and affects the management plan. Given this practical issue, the present paper attempts to differentiate depression grades more accurately using a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) classifier, built in MATLAB. The overall accuracy of the classifier is 100% for mild, 77% for moderate and 90% for severe grades with a good model fit (R=94%).
51.The Remote Control of Mobile Robot Based on Embedded Technology
Along with the development of society, the remote control of mobile robot has broad prospect of application. With the continuous development of embedded system, the system provides excellent hardware platform for embedded mobile robot. With embedded WinCE5.0 operating system,
This paper put forward a kind of remote control method of mobile robots. The experiments had proved the embedded mobile robot has low power consumption and strong real-time control. It also had proved the validity of this method.
52.Range-based Navigation System for a Mobile Robot
In this paper we present an algorithm for path planning in a fixed range-only beacon field. We define and calculate entropy values for regions of interest and provide a method for finding "safe," low-entropy paths between regions.
We go on to describe a robotic system for performing range-based localization experiments, developed using inexpensive off-the-shelf components. Our system uses a commercial robot as a mobile platform and custom acoustic beacons for ranging.
53.An Adaptive and Personalized Ubiquitous Learning Middleware Support for Handicapped Learners
The advances of modern technology and learning on educational focus are shifting gradually from electronic learning to ubiquitous learning. Ubiquitous learning (U-learning) seeks to embed small computing devices such as sensors, actuators, RFID tags, cell phones and PDAs into our daily learning so as to provide learners with learning contents and services that can be accessible anywhere, anytime with the appropriate interface. This paper describes the design of an adaptive and personalized Ubiquitous Learning middleware and the key components of a U-learning environment that can support the handicapped learners in higher education in developing countries of Africa.
54.Research on the Integrated Management of Highway Based on Radio Frequency Identification
The highway is the inevitable outcome of the social and economic development. In recent years, with the rapid development of our economy, the growth of highway is becoming faster and faster. But the followed is a series of highway management issues. In view of the issues of poor vehicle control, the traditional parking charge as well as traffic jam brought by this, road toll in confusion, low level of management information and so on in the highway traffic management, this article proposes a highway integrated management system based on the radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The system can realize the effective vehicles supervision, no parking fee and so on. It can effectively solve the existing expressway management problems and make the use and management of highways become more efficient, safe and reasonable.
55.Indoor-Outdoor Navigation System for Visually-Impaired Pedestrians: Preliminary Evaluation
This paper reports on a preliminary evaluation of position measurement and obstacle display in a navigation system for visually-impaired pedestrians on a real-city course including indoor and outdoor areas.
56.An RFID-Based Reminder System for Smart Home
Some people tend to forget things when they leave home for work or school. It is desired that there would be a reminder system to automatically remind people what they might have forgotten to bring along just when they step outside their home. In this paper, we present a reminder system that uses the RFID technology to detect the objects that a user brings along. The system then provide a reminder object list to the user based on the history data collected from the same user and the events in the user's calendar on that day. The list is to remind the user objects he/she might have forgotten at home. A feedback mechanism is also designed to lower the possibility of unnecessary reminding. The user can mark the objects that are not needed from the reminder object list such that these objects will not appear in the list again in the same situation. A prototype system is introduced in this paper.
57.RFID-Embedded Decision Support for Tracking Surgical Equipment
Healthcare and supply chain management have recently been the two most active areas for RFID applications. The healthcare environment is a natural fit for generating and utilizing instance-level data for decision support. We consider a scenario from the French healthcare environment involving tracking and tracing of surgical equipment within and among hospitals and develop a knowledge-based system for decision support that helps improve the overall performance of the surgical instrument management process while reducing errors. We illustrate the process through the developed healthcare knowledge-based system and evaluate its performance
58.An ECDLP-Based Randomized Key RFID Authentication Protocol
With the expansion of RFID technology application in diverse fields, the security problems attract more and more attention. In the RFID Security authentication protocols used public-key cryptography, the authentication protocol based on the ECDLP (Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem) can solve the clone and reply attacks very well, but there are more or less problems in resisting tracking attacks. In this paper, we present a 'Randomized Key' proposal based on ECDLP and improve EC-RAC (Elliptic Curve Based Randomized Access Control) protocol and Schnorr protocol respectively. Our security analysis shows that the proposed improved protocols can resist tracking attack effectively.
59.Vibrate-to-unlock: Mobile phone assisted user authentication to multiple personal RFID tags
Personal RFID tags store valuable information private to their users that can easily be subject to eavesdropping, unauthorized reading, owner tracking, and cloning. RFID tags are also susceptible to relay attacks and likely to get lost and stolen. In this paper, we introduce the problem of user authentication to RFID tags. This allows users to control when and where their RFID tags can be accessed. We present a novel approach for user authentication to multiple RFID tags called “Vibrate-to-Unlock” (VtU). This technique uses a mobile phone as an authentication token, forming an unidirectional tactile communication channel between users and their RFID tags. Authenticating to an RFID tag involves touching a vibrating phone to the tag or an object carrying the tag, such as a wallet. We discuss the design and implementation of this new method on Intel's WISP tags. We also report on a preliminary usability evaluation of our VtU prototype.
60.Hash-Based RFID Tag Mutual Authentication Scheme with Retrieval Efficiency
RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) system is a promising automatic identification technology that use communication via radio waves to identify and track moving objects. RFID systems, however, are susceptible to a variety of security problems and fundamental solutions to RFID security vulnerabilities have not yet been proposed. This paper proposes an RFID tag mutual authentication scheme that resists security threats posed by inherent characteristics of low-cost RFID systems. The proposed scheme utilize the modulo operation to improve the efficiency of tag retrieval in the back-end server and employs the hash function to provide enhanced security.
61.Pilgrims Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Network
This paper describes a prototype of a wireless sensor network developed for tracking pilgrims in the Holy areas during Hajj (Pilgrimage). A delay tolerant network principle is used. Energy efficiency, robustness, and reliability are the key factors for the developed system. Every pilgrim will be given a mobile sensor unit that includes a GPS unit, a Microcontroller, antennas and a battery. A network of fixed master units is installed in the Holy area. Upon request or periodically, the sensor unit sends its UID number, latitude, longitude, and time. The close by master unit receives this information and passes it to a server that maps the latitude and longitude information on a Google map or any geographical information system. The developed system can be used to track specific pilgrims. Alternatively any pilgrim can request emergency help using the same system. The location of the person needing help will be identified on the map to make it easy for the help to reach in the most efficient way. The developed system works in coordination with an RFID identification system that was proposed earlier. The developed system was tested successfully during the recent pilgrim season.
62.Research on RFID Application in the Pharmacy Logistics System
The quality and safety of pharmacy, which have become essential for the lives of the residents, directly concerns people's health and security. The pharmacy logistics is still at the starting stage and exists a lot of problems at present in our country, so it would affect the management and monitoring of the pharmacy quality, bringing the security menace. The first section of this paper analyses the characteristics of radio frequency identification (short for RFID) technology and the pharmacy logistics system. Then RFID technology is introduced into the Pharmacy Logistics System, that is to expound the application of RFID in the pharmacy logistics system, the service level of the pharmacy logistics system would be upgraded, and the supervision of the pharmacy would be strengthened.
63.Robotic Liquid Handling System for Microdispensing of Highly Viscous Reagent
A robotic liquid handling system is developed for dispensing highly viscous reagent with nanoliter volumes. The robot in question is of immediate need in protein crystallization research and in electronics packaging field. In this paper, the system structure is introduced which mainly consists of three modules: motion control module, dispense control module and droplet volume measure module. Highly viscous reagent can be dispensed in nanoliter through controlling the dispense control module and the motion control module correctly, and the volume of micro-drop can be measured based on robotic vision technique. The factors that influence the successful delivery of nanoliter volumes of highly viscous reagent are discussed through analysis of the dispensing process. And the two critical values that the dispense height should be kept are derived. Finally, three kinds of reagent with different viscosity are used for dispensing experiments to verify the theoretical results. The accuracy of the system has been shown to be below 7%, and the coefficient of variance (CV) has been shown to be below 10%.
64.A Design of Intelligent and High-accuracy Digital Control System
With the development of machinery and electronics toward digital and intelligent, the study of control system takes a very important role. The high-precision stepping motor control system for intelligent sampling of liquid achieves intelligent and high-precision sampling locations by the intelligent high-precision controlling of stepper motor. Stepper motor is the implementing agency that put an electrical pulse into the angular displacement. The high-precision stepper motor control system is based on the ARM S3C44B0, combined with a power supply, keyboard input, serial communications, stepper motor driver, photoelectric sensor positioning, host computer operating software and other modules. All these modules set up an intelligent and high-precision control system of stepper motor. The operator can complete intelligent control of stepper motor by the keyboard or the host computer operating software. High-precision stepper motor positioning can be achieved by photoelectric sensor positioning, avoiding accumulated error that is produce by losing step, which make the control system of stepping motor can work in the long-term operation of high-precision occasions.
65.Online Gesture Spotting from Visual Hull Data
This paper presents a robust framework for online full-body gesture spotting from visual hull data. Using view-invariant pose features as observations, hidden Markov models (HMMs) are trained for gesture spotting from continuous movement data streams. Two major contributions of this paper are 1) view-invariant pose feature extraction from visual hulls, and 2) a systematic approach to automatically detecting and modeling specific nongesture movement patterns and using their HMMs for outlier rejection in gesture spotting. The experimental results have shown the view-invariance property of the proposed pose features for both training poses and new poses unseen in training, as well as the efficacy of using specific nongesture models for outlier rejection. Using the IXMAS gesture data set, the proposed framework has been extensively tested and the gesture spotting results are superior to those reported on the same data set obtained using existing state-of-the-art gesture spotting methods.
66.Blind Path Identification System Design Base on RFID
Blind path identification with the help of RFID technology not only makes the blind can gain feelings of orientation during walking, but also has the knowledge of the exactly location of the street. The main idea is that when a blind man walking on the path which has electronic tags pre-built under the tile of the blind path, those tags activated by radio wave came from the RFID reader sent their identity codes transmitted by the reader to the computer, and after the query of the database, the number of the street, the name of the shop of the current location of the blind will be known immediately, meanwhile, the corresponding voice data will be sent via earphones to the blind in order to get the precise identification. The system is composed of the hardware and software. The hardware includes the electronic tags, reader, MCU, wireless earphone and GSM circuit. The software is consisted of the database that controls the read-write of the tags, the management of the street info as well as the sending of the voice data. Experimental result shows that the system almost can achieve the proposed objective and provide the novel technology support for the blind path construction.
67.Head motion controlled power wheelchair
Quadriplegics rely on power wheelchairs for mobility, but the hands-free controller systems currently available are obtrusive and expensive. The objective of this project was to design a power wheelchair with a novel control system for quadriplegics with head and neck mobility. The control system translates the position of the user's head into speed and directional control of the wheelchair. Head movement was measured using camera-based motion-tracking of an infrared LED array on the back of the user's head. The control system included a standby mode that was activated by pressing the head back against the headrest, which activated the braking system while deactivating the drive train, allowing for manual control of the wheelchair via a rear support system.
68.Combined Scheduling of Ultrasound And GPS Signals in A Wearable ZigBee-Based Guidance System
We have designed and implemented a wearable ZigBee-based guidance system in which a main controller collects ultrasound and GPS signals from sensors attached to subcontrollers and provides appropriate directions to a blind person. The signals from the different sources need to be handled separately, which reduces the effective sampling rate, and may impact the quality of the guidance provided. To address this, we propose a new scheduling scheme that interleaves the two signals without collision, based on the on-line estimation of signal handling times. Experimental results show that this scheme increases a sampling rate by up to 71% compared with the simple scheme.
69.Simple Gesture Distinction for Brief Message Exchange
This paper propose an idea of simple gesture distinction, which is under study by three innovative projects, including the topics of walking stick movement recognition, hand gesture recognition and building walking model generation. First, walking stick movement recognition project is presented, which is designed for senior people to interact with computer systems by using walking stick as a gesture-based input device. Next, hand gesture recognition method project is presented, which is designed for general users to interact with ubiquitous network services without conventional WIMP interface systems. Obtaining acceleration data from spatial gesture, this paper shows how to distinct the different numbers. Then, walking model generation project is presented, which aims at recognizing walking status from sensor data and generates its corresponding walking model to show the results of recognition. This paper reviews the results of the experiments and discusses the feasibility of the interface.
70.Wireless Vision based Mobile Robot control using Hand Gesture Recognition through Perceptual
In this paper we have implemented a wireless vision based mobile robot control through hand gesture recognition based on perceptual color space such as HIS, HSV/HSB, HSL. Vision-based hand gesture recognition is an important problem in the field of human-computer interaction, since hand motions and gestures could potentially be used to interact with computers in more natural ways. The robot control was done purely based on the orientation histograms a simple and fast algorithm on the system which would recognize static hand gestures with HSV color spaces as major parameters
71.Simple Gesture Distinction for Brief Message Exchange
This paper propose an idea of simple gesture distinction, which is under study by three innovative projects, including the topics of walking stick movement recognition, hand gesture recognition and building walking model generation. First, walking stick movement recognition project is presented, which is designed for senior people to interact with computer systems by using walking stick as a gesture-based input device. Next, hand gesture recognition method project is presented, which is designed for general users to interact with ubiquitous network services without conventional WIMP interface systems. Obtaining acceleration data from spatial gesture, this paper shows how to distinct the different numbers. Then, walking model generation project is presented, which aims at recognizing walking status from sensor data and generates its corresponding walking model to show the results of recognition. This paper reviews the results of the experiments and discusses the feasibility of the interface.
72.Wireless Vision based Mobile Robot control using Hand Gesture Recognition
In this paper we have implemented a wireless vision based mobile robot control through hand gesture recognition based on perceptual color space such as HIS, HSV/HSB, HSL. Vision-based hand gesture recognition is an important problem in the field of human-computer interaction, since hand motions and gestures could potentially be used to interact with computers in more natural ways. The robot control was done purely based on the orientation histograms a simple and fast algorithm on the system which would recognize static hand gestures with HSV color spaces as major parameters. The wireless based mobile robot system using hand gestures is a new innovative user interface that resolves the complications of using numerous remote controls for various applications. Based on one unified set of hand gestures, this system interprets the user hand gestures into pre-defined commands to control the remote robot. The experimental results are very encouraging as the system produces real-time responses and highly accurate recognition towards various gestures under different lighting conditions.
73.Real-Time Robotic Hand Control using Hand Gestures
this paper presents a new approach for controlling robotic hand or an individual robot by merely showing hand gestures in front of a camera. With the help of this technique one can pose a hand gesture in the vision range of a robot and corresponding to this notation, desired action is performed by the robotic system. Simple video camera is used for computer vision, which helps in monitoring gesture presentation. This approach consists of four modules: (a) A real time hand gesture formation monitor and gesture capture, (b) feature extraction, (c) Pattern matching for gesture recognition, (d) Command determination corresponding to shown gesture and performing action by robotic system. Real-time hand tracking technique is used for object detection in the range of vision. If a hand gesture is shown for one second, the camera captures the gesture. Object of interest is extracted from the background and the portion of hand, representing the gesture, is cropped out using the statistical property of hand. Extracted hand gesture is matched with the stored database of hand gestures using pattern matching. Corresponding to the matched gesture, action is performed by the robot
74.Handicap Assistance Device for Appliance Control using User-Defined Gestures
Traditional input systems for interaction with machines include keyboards, joystick or the mouse. Those suffering from physical handicaps such as Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Quadriplegia may be unable to use such forms of input . In this paper, we propose a ¿Human Machine Interfacing Device¿ utilizing hand gestures to communicate with computers and other embedded systems acting as an intermediary to an appliance. Developments in field of communication have enabled computer commands being executed using hand gestures. Inertial navigation sensor like an accelerometer is utilized to get dynamic/static profile of movement to navigate the mouse on the computer or provide commands to appliances, thus accelerometer profiles are converted into wireless interactivity. The device involves non-tactile interaction with machines to manipulate or control them in accordance with hand gestures. The applications envisioned: interaction using gesture technology for effective communication empowering physically challenged to interact with machines and computing devices including 3-D graphic interactions and simulations.
75.Research of Mechanical Arm real-time motion control
The main idea of this article is: enabling operators to directly control the robot hands via operating data glove, by using serial port communication technique and synchronous technology, based on robot hands, data glove and RS-232 serial line. First, the data glove hand and mechanical procedures together, the use of control technology to enable synchronization of data gloves in real time, accurate control of the manipulator; second, developed a prototype system, and a prototype system for testing, analysis, and finally system in accordance with the actual results of the appropriate improvements.
76.Universal Use of Information Delivery and Display System using Ad hoc Network for Deaf People
We have been developing "information delivery and display system for deaf people in time of disaster (IDDD)" using both mobile network and ad hoc network of Bluetooth. In IDDD, a mobile phone receives disaster information by SMS, then the received information is automatically transferred and displayed on a big screen with flashing light to inform emergency. So that, deaf people, disabled people and elder people can understand emergency situation even in mid night. We have proved that this system is useful for deaf people through several demonstrations. Using SMS, it is possible to wake up IDDD application on mobile phone to connect to a big display through Bluetooth without any operation by user. This paper describes outline of IDDD and summary of evaluation by disabled or elder people. The result of overall evaluation displayed that almost all attendance answered that this system is useful for supporting both elder and deaf people in disaster.